Thursday, January 12, 2012

Top 10 Cydia Sources and Repositories 2012

Cydia Repos, Repositories is sources collection of apps for jailbroken iPhone, iPad and iPods. There are hundreds of repos, sources introduces every day and the developers of repos keep updating them as well.
To add it just by tapping Cydia icon, goto Manage >> Source >> edit >> add >> Done.
Here’s the best of top 10 Cydia sources, repos and repositories list you must use in your jailbroken iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. Have a look at below table and update your cydia repo on your iDevice

1Hackulo Cydia Source/Repo Hackulo Source / Repo
First source to install after iPhone/iPod/iPad Jailbreak
- Main Apps: Installous and AppSync. You will need to install Installous ONLY; AppSync will be automatically installed.
2Insanelyi Cydia Source/Repo Insanelyi Source
- Best source for cracked Cydia apps and Cydia tweaks (Cydia Store apps).
- Main Apps: Action Menu Plus Pack, AndriodLock XT, Barrel, biteSMS, frash, Graviboard, Gridlock, iAcces, iFile, Infiniboard, Infinidock, Infinifolders, Lockinfo, Masks, Multifl0w, My Wi, SleepFX, YourTube 2 and many more.
- Excellent source for cracked Cydia themes
- Good source for games DLC and cheats
3HackYouriPhone Cydia Source/RepoHackYouriPhone Source
- Best source for cracked Cydia themes and DreamBoard themes (Cydia Store themes)
- Main Themes: Amplified HD, BoxorHD, Boxor HD – Ceramic White, blAze HD/iPad, Elite PRO HD, Glass Orb, iFlat, iFlat4 HD iPad, iNitsua Z SD/HD/iPad, inPulse for iPad, inPulse HD/SD, Kryptonite, LiveOS, Omega HD, Prestige-HD/SD, revi-krs HD+SD, Revolve HD/SD, SBHD, Snow Leopard and many more
- Good source for games DLC and cheats.
- Excellent source for cydia apps/tweaks as well.
4SinfuliPhone Cydia Source/RepoSinfuliPhone Source
- Excellent source for free Cydia apps/themes: e.g. AndroidLock, Attachment Saver, FaceBreak, GameBoyemulator, iBlueNova, iRealSMS, My3G, MyWi, and NES emulator.
- May cause Cydia loading errors
5xSellize Cydia Source/RepoxSellize Source / Repo
- Excellent source for cracked Cydia Store apps/themes: e.g. Cycorder, Cyntact, CLASSified HD, FBUploader, iBlacklist, ScrollingBoard, Speed Intensifier and many more.
- May cause Cydia loading errors
6iAP Cracker Cydia Source/RepoiAP Cracker Official Repo/Source
iAP Cracker: Great app cracks inApp Purchases and make it Free.
Examples free inApp Purchases: Angry Birds (Mighty Eagle), Asphalt 6: Adrenaline, Jetpack Joyride, Line Birds, Plants vs Zombies and Tiny Tower.. .
7BiteYourApple Cydia Source/RepoBYA (BiteYourApple)
- Excellent Italian source for Cydia apps/themes, e.g. Full Screen for Safari, GroupSMS,Home Page in Safari and Wifi Sync.
851iPA Cydia Source/Repo51iPA Source
- Chinese source, known as the best games DLC/Cheats worldwide.
9iHackstore Cydia Source/RepoiHackstore Repo/Source
- Good source for cracked apps/themes
10TheiPhoneSpot Cydia Source/RepoTheiPhoneSpot Repo/Source
- New source: Cydia apps and Cydia themes.
Source :

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